Monday, May 3, 2010

LISTEN HERE WII, your graphics are terrible and your games are not that great! So let the the PlayStation 3 take over. Sorry I'm just venting on how much i dislike the Wii. PlayStation Move should be coming out sometime in the near future, and i can't wait until it does. For one thing PS3 Move is going to awesome games, and graphics to go with the system, there for making the PS3 always a better choice, and yes your still going to have to MOVE!!! here's the best part theirs no wires between the controllers so yeah you can actually move like a crazy person, with out snapping the wire.
check it out here

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Click to Check out Future Trends

2020 Vision: The Future of Gaming
Top Industry Figures Discuss What Gaming Will Be Like in Ten Years Time-
Written Feb 16 2010 on what to expect by the year 2o2o

the next 25 years of video games

3-D Gaming

Some Television makers are now making 3-D TVs for distribution. For many games, the leap to 3-D is a small step. Sony and Nintendo have already unveiled their initial plans to ebter the 3-D realm.

Sony began updating Playstation 3 consoles for future 3-D gaming features. Nintendo revealed a 3-D version of its top-selling handheld DS system, calles 3DS, that wouldn't require 3D glasses due out later this year.

I'm pretty sure most have gone down to the shore at least once or twice in their life, or even any arcade for that matter. Furthermore I’m sure we were all over taken by beach head 2000 the yellow machine you pull down over your face, and the torrent moves around and you move with it. This was a great game it was virtual reality in its own way. However, this is some that I think will be coming out sooner than later, but for now its release date is still very much in the future. For one thing, I do feel this will benefit in ones fever towards exercise because you are the game you have to make the movements the people do on the screen. In fact who knows, this might even make society a little thinner in the future. Check out this video can’t wait for this to come out sadly I know its goanna cost an arm and a leg

Monday, April 26, 2010

Procedural Generation?

Spore's infinite universe:
-Apperantly, anything that is to be discussed about future gaming, Spore's is a big topic. Will Wright, the creator of the popular game The Sims also Sim City, has created this gamers paradise.
-you start as a single cell organisum and evolve into a creature in which you have created. Into tribes, the cities then planets.
Then you can travel to the other planets and build warships and eventually wipe those" aliens" out.
-The question is: "how the hell do you fit an "infinite" number of aliens and planets into a few DVD worth of data?"
" The is answer is a technique called procedural generation, which just means the game doesnt store millions of creatures, it just stores the methods by which they can be built: you, the gamer, make the creatures."

Pretty Cool...huh?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

future video game consoles